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The most common pain in the limb is caused by the degeneration of a joint or tendon. The wear and tear of large joints caused by overload, poor posture, repeated activities, accidents and falls, are factors that help to inflame and cause arthritis, causing pain in the location of the joint such as shoulder, hip and knee. The tendon overload causes degeneration, weakening, inflammation and pain that can persist for a long time, forming tendonitis. Others are: phantom limb pain, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, pain from breast surgery, neuropathies and


Shoulder pain

Shoulder pain can have several origins, the main ones are tendonitis, trauma, osteoarthritis and capsulitis when the pain is very strong and persistent, the solution is to do invasive procedures to immediately block the pain. The best are: the infiltration inside the joint, the infiltration of the tendons glued to the shoulder, the infiltration of bursitis and the blocking of the suprascapular nerve, guided by X-ray images, to have immediate pain relief and well-being for the patient . In cases where this does not resolve, we have to do the definitive treatment, which may be with the injury with radiofrequency or cryoablation of the nerve
scapular supra or ozone infiltration.



1: Intra-articular infiltration in the shoulder

2: Infiltration of the supraspinatus tendon

3: Shoulder denervation with radio frequency

4: Infiltration of the biceps tendon

5: Infiltration of shoulder bursitis

6: Acromioclavicular infiltration

7: Suprascapular nerve block

8: Cryoablation of the suprapapular nerve

9: Infiltration of the joint with ozone

10: Therapeutic pneumoarthrography

11: Stellate ganglion block

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

The very strong and persistent pain that occurs from the shoulder through the arm to the hand, with difficulty
movement, along with muscle atrophy and difficulty in circulation, is called reflex sympathetic dystrophy, it can also occur in the leg. It is caused by trauma and surgery of the limbs.

Dystrophy has to be treated immediately, so we have to do invasive procedures to block the pain right away. The best are: stellate ganglion block, sympathetic chain block or epidural block, guided by X-ray images, for immediate pain relief and patient well-being. In cases where this does not resolve, we definitely have to do the treatment with radiofrequency injury or electro stimulator implant, as the case may be.



1: Stellate ganglion block

2: Sympathetic chain block

3: Radiofrequency stellate ganglion injury

4: Cervical transforaminal block

5: Brachial plexus block

6: Lumbar transforaminal block

7: Epidural lumbar block

8: Sympathetic chain lesion with radio frequency

9: Electro spinal stimulator implant

Phantom limb pain

The very strong and persistent pain that occurs after amputation, called phantom limb pain, can also occur at the site of the removal of some organs such as the breast and rectum. Phantom pain has to be treated immediately, so we have to do invasive procedures right away to block the pain. The best are: brachial plexus block, epidural block or local nerve block, guided by X-ray images, to have immediate donor relief and

well being to the patient. In cases where this
not definitely resolve, we have to do the
treatment with radiofrequency injury or
Spinal electrostimulator implant, according to the



1: Brachial plexus block

2: Lumbar plexus block

3: Blockade of the sympathetic chain

4: Transforaminal block

5: Epidural block

6: Radiofrequency peripheral nerve injury

7: Peripheral nerve cryoablation

8: Radiofrequency ganglion injury

9: Sympathetic chain lesion with radio frequency

10: Electro-stimulator spinal implant

Hip pain, knee pain

Hip pain or knee pain can have several
causes, the main ones are tendonitis, trauma, osteoarthritis and capsulitis, when the pain is very strong and persistent, the solution and then do invasive procedures to block the pain. The best are: corticosteroid infiltration into the joint or infiltration of hyaluronic acid, nerve block: femoral, obturator (hip) or genicular (knee), guided by X-ray images, for immediate pain relief and well being to the patient. In cases where this does not resolve, we have to do the definitive treatment, which can be denervation of both the hip and the
knee with radiofrequency or cryoablation, as
the case.



1: X-ray guided hip infiltration

2: X-ray guided knee infiltration

3: Hyaluronic acid infiltration

4: Blocking the femoral and obturator branches to
the hip

5: Blocking the genicular nerves to the knee

6: Radiofrequency hip denervation

7: Denervation of the knee with radiofrequency

8: Cryoablation of knee nerves

9: Infiltration of the joint with ozone

Arthritis, tendonitis, plantar

fasciitis or heel spur

In heel and foot pain we can have several
the main causes are fasciitis, tendonitis, trauma, osteoarthritis, arthritis and neuroma, when the pain is very strong and persistent, the solution and do it right away invasive procedures to block pain. The
best are: corticosteroid infiltration into the
joint, tendon infiltration or infiltration of the plantar fascia (spur), guided by X-ray images, to have immediate pain relief and the patient's well-being. In cases where this does not resolve, we have to do the definitive treatment, which can be cryoablation of the peripheral nerves or injury of peripheral nerves with radiofrequency, according to the



1: Infiltração da fasciite plantar guiada por

2: Infiltração da tendinite do tendão de Aquiles

3: Infiltração articular do tornozelo

4: Bloqueio dos nervos periféricos

5: Crioablação dos nervos periféricos

6: Lesão de nervos periféricos com

Peripheral neuropathy and

Morton's neuroma

In the pain of peripheral neuropathies we can have
the main causes are neuritis, neuralgia,
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, neuromas and diabetes;
when the pain is very strong and persistent, the solution is to do a direct pain block, which has great
result. The best are: epidural block at the level of the affected nerve roots, plexus block more related to the location of pain in the upper or lower limb and direct blocks of peripheral nerves close to pain, guided by
X-ray images, for immediate pain relief and patient well-being. In cases where this does not resolve, we can do the injury with radiofrequency, cryoablation of the nerves or implantation of spinal electrostimulator, as appropriate.



1: Cervical epidural block

2: Lumbar epidural block

3: Brachial plexus block

4: Lumbar plexus block

5: Peripheral nerve block

6: Cryoablation of peripheral nerves

7: Injury to interdigital nerves with radiofrequency

8: Spinal electrostimulator implant

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